My Rating: ★★★★☆

Author: Alan Goldsher

Narrator: Simon Vance

Publisher: Blackstone Audio


My Review:

Paul Is Undead is exactly what a musical biography zombie mashup should be… HILARIOUS! How can you go wrong with a story about three undead zombie rockers and their Seventh Level Ninja Lord bodyguard?

These are not the typical mindless, moaning (“Brains.. brains.. “) zombies that I’ve become accustomed to. The Beatles are the result of the “Liverpool Process” that develops zombies with heightened artistic talents and exaggerated zombie powers. They are also virtually immortal so they have ample time to develop their musical skills.

I had heard good things about Paul Is Undead but I was still pleasantly surprised. I laughed through the entire book. Paul Is Undead is full of dark humor that is sure to disgust and offend everyone. Myself included. After reaching one such section of the book I seriously debated on whether I should just stop listening.. but I couldn’t bring myself to turn it off. After all it wasn’t just the funny story that was holding my interest, it was the incredible narration.

Honestly I don’t see how Simon Vance managed this one. Simply an amazing performance. A must listen for fans of great audio production.

Overall: Good tongue in brain fun. Lots and lots of dark humor. Incredible performance by Simon Vance.  Alan Goldsher has created a unique world where zombies are known to walk the earth.. and are seemingly tolerated. Especially if you can play a mean skintar.

I can pretty much guarantee that you will be offended at some point in this book. If you can handle that then jump on the zombie Beatle band wagon and follow them from their “death” all the way to the Toppermost of the Poppermost.

Direct from Blackstone Audio: Paul Is Undead
Disclosure: I received a copy of this audiobook from the publisher